Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Questionnaire targeting Housewife, Companies, UiTM and others College students in Raub City.

A general description and picture were given so that the respondents have a general picture about the laundry lounge.

1. What is your gender?

o Male
o Female
2. Where are you are staying now?

o Rent apartment
o Dormitory
o Private house

3. How is your income (or the grant you receive from family) each month?

o < RM1000
o RM1001-RM3000
o >RM3001

4. How do you usually wash your clothes?

o By hand
o By washer
o Go to laundry store

5. How do you usually dry your clothes?

o Outside
o Inside
o Use dryer

6. How often you wash and dry your clothes?

o 1 time/ week
o 2 times/ week
o 3 times/ week
o More than 3 times/ week

7. How long does it take for you to wash your clothes?

o Less than 30 minutes
o From 30 minutes to 1 hour
o More than 1 hour

8. How do you feel about your washing and drying at this moment?

(1= totally inconvenient; 5= totally convenient)

1           2          3        4         5

9. Have you ever heard about laundry lounge?

o No
o Yes but not used yet
o Yes and already used

10. How do you feel about laundry lounge? (if you have not used it, let evaluate based on our description about the service above)

(1= totally inconvenient; 5= totally convenient)

1          2          3          4          5

11. How are extra amenities important to you?

(1= very unimportant; 5= very important)

Free Wi-Fi

1          2          3          4          5

Waiting room

1          2          3          4          5


1          2          3          4          5

12. Is the price of RM3.00 per one time washing reasonable?

(one time washing = 6kg clothes; 1= totally unreasonable;

5= totally reasonable)

1          2          3          4          5

If not (mark 1-2), please state the expected price:


13. Is the price of RM4.00 per 15 minutes drying reasonable?

(6ke clothes can be dried in 30 minutes; 1= totally unreasonable;

5= totally reasonable)

1          2          3          4          5

If not (mark 1-2), please state the expected price:


14. If ‘Laundry Lounge’ is opened in Raub, do you use it?

(1= completely no; 5= completely yes)

1          2          3          4          5

If yes, how often do you use it?

o 1 time / week

o 2 times/ week

o More than 2 times/ week

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